Friday, March 5, 2010

Mission Statement/ Dogma

This blog has no exact mission statement, or dogma attached to it. I will say that, like its title, it deals a little with technology, a little with finding warmth in technology, a little with dealing with today's current times, while not forgetting the past. In the 1940's the hearth, or fire in the home where the family and friends gatthered got replaced by the Television, and the TV acted as a hearth. Now its the computer, and current technology. There is not as much gathering, warmth, etc... in the home, but perhaps there is more of this "gathering," on line in the digital world. Social networking, and all that. The title is also influenced by my current final thesis subject, and art show, "The Phenomenology of Space and Sound." More on this later. I will also post stuff that I like, maybe helpful, aesthetically interesting, and hopefully random and thought provoking. I am also creating this blog to help document my navigation through my final couple of months of grad school.

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